Your Claims
Manolete is the UK’s leading insolvency litigation financing company. We only deal in UK insolvency related claims.
By 30 September 2024 we had invested in over 1450 UK insolvency cases.
Case values range from £20k to over £70m.
Average case durations are around 12 months.
We have recovered over £68m for insolvent estates.
We have completed over 1000 cases and have about 400 live cases.
The Manolete model successfully aligns the interests of the IPs and their lawyers, and we form a powerful partnership. The IP and the estate are always fully protected by a complete indemnity. We ensure meritorious claims are pursued and resolved in order to maximise returns for the Insolvent Estate.
We have recovered over £152m (before costs) from over 1000 completed cases.
More than 90% of cases are purchased/assigned rather than funded. Manolete never receives a penny in profit until the case is resolved. Creditor Estates receive between 50% and 90% of net returns.
The vast majority of Manolete cases are settled before trial. We have won cases in the High Court, Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court.
Financing claims
This graph shows the annual growth in numbers of invested cases by financial year. By end March 2024, we had financed over 1351 claims - that is more than any other comparable firm.
Minimum claim size is £20,000 – there is no maximum size.
Total claims financed
Up to 31 March 2024
Total number of claims purchased vs claims funded
Up to 31 March 2024
This graph shows the annual growth in numbers of cases purchased/funded by financial year.
By end March 2024, 1,157 claims had been purchased via an assignment and 194 funded.
The assignment model has proven particularly popular in recent years.
The cases below are the seven most common case types Manolete deals with.
Our claim against Hastings Borough Council went all the way to the Supreme Court with a successful judgment. The case arose out of the council’s exercise of its emergency powers to restrict public access to Hastings Pier. This action caused loss and damage to Stylus Sports Ltd and Manolete, as assignee, brought a claim for compensation. Manolete won in the High Court, Court Appeal and Supreme Court.